The Parable of Alice and the Thief of Self (Short Story and Music)


The Parable of Alice and the Thief of Self (Short Story and Music)

Title: The Parable of Alice and the Thief of Self


Once upon a time in a quaint village, there lived a kind-hearted woman named Alice. Alice was known for her generosity and willingness to help anyone in need. She would give her time, energy, and resources to others, often at the expense of her own well-being.

One day, Alice met a traveler who seemed lost and weary. She invited him into her home, offering him food, shelter, and comfort. The traveler, grateful for her kindness, stayed longer than expected. Alice continued to care for him, neglecting her own needs and desires. She stopped attending to her garden, her health began to decline, and her once vibrant spirit dimmed.

As time passed, the traveler grew accustomed to Alice’s sacrifices. He began to expect her to provide for him, never considering the toll it took on her. Alice, feeling obligated to help, continued to give until she had nothing left to offer.

One evening, as Alice lay exhausted and ill, a wise old woman visited her. The wise woman looked at Alice with compassion and said, “Dear Alice, when you give to others to the degree that you sacrifice yourself, you make the other person a thief. They unknowingly steal your vitality, your joy, and your essence.”

Alice, with tears in her eyes, realized the truth in the wise woman’s words. She had given so much of herself that she had nothing left. The traveler, though grateful, had become a thief of her self-worth and well-being.

Determined to reclaim her life, Alice gently asked the traveler to leave. She began to nurture herself, tending to her garden, eating nourishing food, and resting. Slowly, her strength returned, and her spirit brightened. She learned to set boundaries, giving to others without sacrificing herself.



  • The concept of self-sacrifice and its impact on mental health.
  • Biblical references to self-care and boundaries.


  • Sarah, a caregiver: “I used to think that giving everything to others was noble, but I ended up feeling drained and resentful. Alice’s story taught me the importance of self-care and setting boundaries.”
  • John, a volunteer: “Alice’s parable resonated with me deeply. I realized that by neglecting my own needs, I wasn’t truly helping others. Now, I ensure I take care of myself first.”


Alice’s journey is a powerful reminder that while generosity is a virtue, it should not come at the cost of one’s own well-being. By setting healthy boundaries and practicing self-care, we can give to others from a place of abundance rather than depletion.

Moral Ending:

The moral of Alice’s story is clear: True generosity does not require self-sacrifice. By nurturing ourselves, we can give more authentically and sustainably to others.


  • “I am worthy of self-care and respect.”
  • “Setting boundaries allows me to give from a place of abundance.”
  • “I can help others without sacrificing my own well-being.”
  • “My well-being is essential for a fulfilling life.”

Alice’s story is a testament to the importance of balancing generosity with self-care. By valuing ourselves, we can create a healthier, more sustainable way to support those around us. 🌟
