Eva's Garden of Self (Story)


Eva's Garden of Self (Story)

Eva had always been a people-pleaser, her heart a boundless spring of generosity, always overflowing for others. But over time, the spring began to dwindle, the once vibrant waters turning murky with resentment and exhaustion. Her boundaries, once a sturdy fence, had become a flimsy trellis, easily overrun by the demands of others.

One day, while tending to her neglected garden, Eva had an epiphany. Her life, like the garden, was in desperate need of care. The overgrown weeds of others' expectations choked the delicate flowers of her own needs. It was time to reclaim her garden, to build a stronger fence, to nurture her own blooms.

With newfound determination, Eva began to set boundaries, her voice firm but gentle, like the steady flow of a revitalized spring. At first, it was uncomfortable, like pruning overgrown branches, but with each assertion, she felt a sense of empowerment, like sunlight breaking through the clouds.

Some people were surprised by her newfound assertiveness, like birds startled by a scarecrow, but others respected her boundaries, their admiration like a gentle breeze encouraging her growth.

Eva learned that her needs were not weeds to be eradicated, but beautiful flowers deserving of care. Her boundaries were not a wall shutting others out, but a fence protecting her garden, allowing her to bloom fully.

Moral: Setting boundaries is not selfish; it's an act of self-love. Like a gardener tending to their plot, we must nurture our own needs in order to flourish. Remember, your boundaries are important, and you are allowed to express your needs to others.
