Armor of Self-Love (poem) by Ruben White


Armor of Self-Love (poem) by Ruben White

Once, like a cracked mirror, I reflected Each judgment, each cruel word's reflection. My flaws, like jagged stones in my hand, Ready weapons for another's command.

Then, a whisper, soft as a summer breeze, "Embrace your imperfections, find your ease." I gathered my flaws, like scattered pearls, And strung them into a necklace of swirls.

Now, words that once stung, like a hornet's bite, Bounce off my armor, shining in the light. For in accepting my flaws, I found my might, No longer a victim, but a beacon of light.

My flaws, once my shackles, now set me free, A tapestry of strength, for all to see. So let your imperfections be your guide, for in them, true beauty does reside.
